Saturday, August 09, 2008

Instant Gratification

In my latest efforts to become a little greener, I bought a worm composter last weekend to replace the giant composter that I got a few months ago that is causing trouble because it's too big for my balcony (since it is meant to be in a backyard....which I don't have....Oh, & don't worry. We plan on giving the old one away to someone who does have the space for it.)

How does this relate to my title?

When my roommate & I were talking about getting the more compact worm composter, the plan was to move all the material from the old composter into the new one. But when I was reading the directions today, it told me to make sure that I didn't add any more than 1 inch of compostable matter into the tray at a time so that the worms weren't getting overfed.

So much for just dumping it all at once and breaking down the old one.

But should that really be a surprise to me? And will I end up viewing it as an inconvenience? Why should I even consider it an inconvenience?

When I was thinking about it, I got to be reminded once again about how we tend to think about things in the immediate. It's hard to think about how our actions will play out in the long run. We just haven't been trained to think that way. Everything is about the now.

How to we change that attitude?

How do we see beyond the instant gratification of whatever it is we think we need to see the picture as a whole & think of the effect of our actions as time passes?

I hope that for me my worms will be a great help to help me slow down & think more.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

The worms can only eat so much...does that mean we should be composting less? And eating what's in the fridge more?