Monday, April 03, 2006

Silent No More

I realise that this is possibly one of the worst places that I could do this. It's so impersonal. You can't see me, and certainly can't prove that I said any of these things. But I couldn't wait any longer and just keep being quiet. I missed my big opportunity, so this is my second chance to at least say something.

On Friday I had lunch with some of my co-workers, and they ended up talking about abortion for some reason I can no longer remember. And while I could handle them talking about how people needed more information, I was very uncomfortable while they were talking about how traumatic an abortion is (although it was deemed just as traumatic to carry the child).

I am tired of this idea of trauma being deemed universal. It is NOT. I am sure that it is a very hard thing for some people, but it isn't for all. How do I know this? Because I've been through it, and don't regret it. My life wouldn't have been what I wanted if I had made any other decision.

Have whatever opinions you like, but don't encourage the idea that all who have abortions react in the same way.

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